- Added new Quests + Daily Quests in Shop + Start Shirt Quest in Hyjal
- Modified World Bosses drop Badge of Justice + Daily Q in Shop + Ports to World Bosses and Neutral Zones + Announce on boss kill
- Update Donate Shop ( Level 80 , Porting for 31 days , Change Faction and Rename ) - Can now send Donate
- Modified Raid Dungeons = Freez King , Tempest Keep , Sunwell Plateau including custom teleporter to bosses + new items
- Hunter got +20% HP to pets
- Nerfed meta sockets by a few % to make it usable we have a lot of meta slots to work on
- Web updates
- Transmogrification Tokens for Daily Quests
- Trainers are already giving all class spellas
- Fixed small bugs in the game
- Better drop of Shadow Orbs in Hyal
- Increased XP rate based on testing
- Fixed registrations
- Fixed link to discord server
- New Proffese Vendors in Dalaran Neutral Shop
- Prices set at 39 Gold
All recipes can now be found for all trainers
- Every recipe has its price, anyway where you need 300+ skills they are the most expensive!
- Cancelled durability on all items
! Please Download latest patch !